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maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Have you noticed that your husband or even your sons tend to have more energy when they get up, or that they get up before you? Perhaps this has an answer from science: Women tend to require more sleep than men because of their more "complex" brains, according to recent research. Why do women need more sleep than men? Scientists discovered that about 20 minutes more sleep is what a woman usually needs compared to a man, according to the scientists, this may be due to the woman's brain being exposed to greater stress and work during the day. The study was conducted in a cluster that enrolled 210 middle-aged men and women. Increased brain activity, longer recovery time During deep sleep, the cortex (the part of the brain responsible for memory, thought, language, among other functions) is detached from the senses and enters recovery mode. The amount of sleep is necessary according to the complexity and intensity of the brain activity to which it has been exposed during the day. The more the brain is used during the day, the more it needs to recover, and as a result, sleep will last longer. Women tend to multitask (they tend to have different tasks and these are done at the same time, because their way of processing information makes them more flexible) this excessive use of the brain differentiates them from men (although there are always exceptions, are mentioned as generalities). But this may be the main reason why women need more sleep than men. However, he said that men who have complex jobs that involve a great deal of " decision making and lateral thinking " are also likely to need more sleep than the average man. The study also found that poor sleep among women was linked to a number of side effects. Increased levels of psychological distress and heightened feelings of nervousness, depression, and anger are all found in women who slept poorly, however, not in men who also suffered from insomnia or sleep problems. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that's not broken down by the body, so eating it doesn’t have any effect on blood glucose levels. It also promotes digestive health and keeps you feeling fuller longer after a meal. Also, says Champion, because it slows the surge in blood sugar after a meal, it’s especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Vivo Tonic
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Hashimoto's disease or also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder where the immune system turns against the body's own tissues. In people with Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism in the sufferer, a condition in which the thyroid does not produce enough hormones for the body's needs. The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism. This includes your heart rate and how quickly your body processes the food you eat. Causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The exact cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not known, but many factors are believed to play a very important role in its occurrence, these are: The genes: People with Hashimoto's disease often have family members who suffer from thyroid or other autoimmune diseases. Which suggests that there is a certain genetic predisposition in the appearance of autoimmune thyroiditis. The Hashimoto 's disease affects approximately seven times more women than men, indicating that sex hormones may also play an important role. Also, some women have thyroid problems in the first year after having a baby. Although the problem usually disappears, 20% of these women will develop Hashimoto's disease over the years. Excess iodine: Some research suggests that some drugs in addition to excess iodine (a trace mineral required by your body to make thyroid hormones) can trigger thyroid disease in susceptible people. Exposure to radiation: Increases in cases of autoimmune thyroiditis have been reported in people exposed to radiation, for example, the atomic bombs in Japan, the Chernobyl nuclear accident or radiation treatment for a form of blood cancer called Hodgkin's disease. Symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The symptoms of Hashimoto's disease can be mild at first, in fact it could take years to develop. The first sign of the disease is often an enlarged thyroid, called a goiter. Goiter can make the front of your neck look swollen. A large goiter can make it difficult for you to swallow or, in other words, to eat food or drink correctly. If you want to know if you suffer from this disease, it would be very useful to read these 6 signs of chronic thyroiditis: · Weight gain · Fatigue and chronic tiredness · Joint and muscle pain · Constipation · Difficulty getting pregnant · Irregular menstrual periods Because the symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be similar to those of other diseases, it is important to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Complications of Hashimoto's disease When this problem is not properly treated, it can bring about a series of complications, such as those mentioned below: · Enlargement of the thyroid gland. In severe cases, the throat can become inflamed in such a way that it appears as if there is a ball inside. Occasionally, a large goiter can interfere with breathing or swallowing food. · Emotional problems - Low thyroid levels can increase the risk of depression and libido problems, such as reduced sexual desire. · Heart conditions - Low levels of thyroid hormones allow "bad" cholesterol levels to rise. This can increase the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. In some cases, Hashimoto's disease causes other heart conditions, such as an enlarged heart or heart failure. · Birth defects - The baby of a woman who has not been treated for Hashimoto's disease is at risk for various birth defects including cleft palate and heart, kidney, or brain malformations. Treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis There is no cure for Hashimoto's disease, but replacing hormones with medications can regulate your hormone levels and restore your normal metabolism. The drug is available in several different dosages. The exact dose your doctor prescribes will depend on several factors, including: · Age · Weight · Severity of hypothyroidism · Other health problems · Other medications that can interact with synthetic thyroid hormones recommendations Once you start treatment, your doctor will order a lab test called a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test. To monitor thyroid function and to be able to make sure you are getting the correct dose. Thyroid hormones work very slowly in the body, and it may take a few months for symptoms to disappear and your goiter to contract. However, if there are large cysts that do not improve, it may be necessary to remove the thyroid gland completely. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
maya justin
Sep 04, 2021
In Pilgrimage
The pulmonary edema or pulmonary edema is a condition caused by the accumulation of fluid in the alveolar space in the lungs. The accumulation of water in the lungs is due to a disease that alters the pressures within the lung and generates the presence of fluid where it was not previously, producing severe respiratory symptoms such as respiratory distress and a feeling of suffocation. When water builds up quickly it is called acute lung edema and is a medical emergency as it must be treated as soon as possible. Symptoms of pulmonary edema In general, most patients with pulmonary edema present symptoms that can arise abruptly (acute lung edema) or progressively (chronic pulmonary edema), these are: · Dyspnoea. · Chest pain · Cough with foamy and sometimes bloody expectoration. · Feeling of suffocation · Palpitation sensation. · Anxiety. · Fatigue. · Gurgling or whistling sounds when breathing. · Violet coloration of the mouth and fingers of the hands. Causes of pulmonary edema Whenever there is an accumulation of water in the lungs, an underlying disease must be ruled out that must be diagnosed promptly, since its development can be fatal. The causes of pulmonary edema are varied, from trauma to pneumonia, heart disease, tumors and altitude sickness, among others. 1. Pulmonary edema of cardiac origin It occurs due to the inability of the left ventricle of the heart to pump enough blood throughout the body, generating congestion within the heart and increasing the pressure in the blood vessels that normally collect blood from the lungs, thus generating congestion at the level lung water accumulating in the lungs. When this happens, it is said that there is congestive heart failure. Some diseases that cause heart failure are: myocardial infarction, endocarditis, diseases of the heart valves, chronic arterial hypertension associated with dilatation of the heart, among others. 2. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema It is so important in the context of pulmonary edema to rule out cardiac pathologies that the rest of the causes are considered non-cardiogenic. Among these causes are: 1. Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) It is due to the accumulation of fluid in one or both lungs, abruptly associated with a severe inflammatory reaction secondary to serious infectious processes (such as pneumonia and states of sepsis), trauma and acute bleeding. 2. Lung edema of the heights It generally occurs in individuals who ascend rapidly to heights of 12,000 to 13,000 feet in elevation (3600 to 3900m), due to the sudden increase in pressure in the pulmonary capillaries. They represent a major cause of death in skiers and mountaineers. 3. Neurogenic edema It occurs immediately after the release of neurotransmitters that increase blood flow to the lungs. This occurs due to the release of vasodilator substances, after head injuries, neurosurgery, seizures and brain hemorrhages. 4. Pulmonary edema due to re-expansion It is generally unilateral, occurs after the rapid re-expansion of a previously collapsed lung (due to other causes such as the presence of fluid or air). 5. Overdose of opiates and salicylates Some opiates such as heroin and methadone produce direct toxicity to the lung, generating fluid accumulation. The same can happen with the use of salicylates. 6. Secondary to pulmonary thromboembolism The presence of an embolus in the lung circulation increases pressures and can increase the presence of water in the lungs. 7. Secondary to viral infections Severe pulmonary edema has been described in cases of Hantavirus and Dengue Virus. 8. Hypoalbuminemia (low levels of albumin in the blood) Because albumin is the protein that attracts water and keeps it inside the vessels, a decrease in its levels generates fluid leakage that accumulates in the lungs. Hypoalbuminemia occurs in cancer, severe malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease, and in elderly patients. Treatment It depends on the cause of the pulmonary edema. However, in all cases, the main treatment used is diuretics such as furosemide, combined with restriction of fluid intake. In the case of edema of cardiac origin, heart failure must be compensated with drugs that improve the ejection fraction with which the left ventricle pumps blood towards the body (digitalis, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and beta-blockers). In the case of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, the etiology must be established. In the case of ARDS, the cause that originated it should be treated: in pneumonia antibiotics are indicated, in edema of the heights the descent begins, in hypoalbuminemia the protein intake in the diet is improved and albumin is replaced intravenously. Finally, in some cases where edema persists despite treatment, hemodialysis is required. Exercising regularly can help increase the insulin sensitivity in your body. This means that your body would be more able to utilize the sugar in your bloodstream. Exercising can also help you lose weight. If your blood sugar control is problematic, you must routinely check your sugar levels. This would give you an idea as to how does your body respond to different activities, and this in turn can help you keep your blood sugar levels from going too high or too low. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Customer Reviews
maya justin
Sep 03, 2021
In Pilgrimage
You'd think some of the most popular allergy and insomnia medications on the market would be safe, but a new study outlines some alarming health risks. The latest evidence? The drug - related dementia include common anticholinergic drugs now. This class of anticholinergic drugs includes popular drugs such as Benadryl, Dramamine, Advil PM, and Unison, among others. The antidepressant drug Paxil and the pain drug Demerol also have anticholinergic effects. Evidence of drugs linked to dementia This is not the first time researchers have found a connection between anticholinergic drugs and cognitive decline. This latest study published in JAMA Neurology is unique, however. This is because researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine actually used brain imaging to detect how anticholinergic drugs affect the brain. Using magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET), the researchers showed how people taking anticholinergic drugs experienced lower brain metabolism and greater brain atrophy; they also scored lower on memory tests. Scientists at the University of Washington also found that chronic use of certain anticoagulants for sleep and hay fever medications increased a person's risk of dementia. The study only found the association in people taking these drugs for 3 or more years. (More research is needed to determine whether continuous or intermittent use during that period of time carries an increased risk of dementia.) Other medications with anticholinergic action include some medications that contain tiotropium used to treat respiratory ailments such as COPD and asthma (Atrovent) (Spiriva). Other anticholinergic medications include Paxil (to treat depression) and medications that contain solifenacin such as Vesicare for overactive bladder problems. Natural remedies for allergies and insomnia If your doctor has directed you to take medications with anticholinergic effects, you should consult with a medical professional before suddenly stopping. Still, it is often possible to treat illnesses such as allergies and insomnia without resorting to prescription and over-the-counter medications. Here are some remedies to try: Remedies for allergies Learn how to use essential oils for allergies. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests that peppermint oil acts as a relaxant and exhibits antispasmodic activity, inhibiting contractions that cause coughing. (Not recommended for children under 30 months). If you have an allergy to ragweed, avoid melons, bananas, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, echinacea, and chamomile, as they can trigger an allergic reaction in your body. Chicken, beef, or lamb bone broth helps relieve respiratory problems. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body and increases the immune system. Insomnia remedies Try valerian root as a sleep remedy with a low risk of side effects. Set your temperature between 15 and 21 degrees Celsius. This lowers your body's internal thermometer, initiating drowsiness. Eat foods rich in melatonin and sleep aid like bananas, cherries, ginger, or radishes as a bedtime snack. Final Thoughts on Over-the-Counter Medication and Dementia Risk While you shouldn't stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor, it is worth talking to see if your mediations include dementia-related anticholinergic medications. If they are, ask about possible alternative options with fewer serious side effects, including natural remedies. Until someone less is faced with terrible hair loss, trying home remedies is highly recommended. If the natural mode of treatment does not work, opt for dermatologist treatments such as hair transplantation, etc. can be processed. But before that, following popular natural and home remedies can come in handy. Restolin Hair Reviews
maya justin
Sep 02, 2021
In Pilgrimage
When that morning "snap or crack" is no longer coming from your cereal, you may need to pay attention to the sound your joints make. Finger pain, tight hips, knee pain - joint pain is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. The menopause and arthritis connection is a fact and if you feel a bit stiff and sore, especially in the morning, there are things you can do to control the inflammation and pain. What is the connection between joint pain and menopause? Although the precise cause and effect of menopause and joint pain has not yet been established, it is quite clear that there is one. Unless there is no autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or others that cause joint pain, pain, swelling, and inflammation in the joints are a sign of osteoarthritis (OA), and as OA disproportionately affects the women in menopause, changes in the hormonal level are likely at least part of the cause. One thought is that because estrogen is a natural anti-inflammatory, when it sinks in and subsides, inflammation can take hold more easily. Additionally, estrogen regulates fluid levels throughout the body, so just as your skin is drier and less elastic, so can the tissue in your joints. What are the risk factors for OA and joint pain? Being a woman in menopause is a risk factor, and unfortunately for most of us, there is nothing we can do about it. But there are other taxpayers that may be under your control. The aches and pains of menopause and perimenopause are relatively common, but there are several factors that can unnecessarily exacerbate them. Being overweight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, a poor diet, smoking, and stress can trigger or worsen joint pain. Less controllable factors include heredity and a history of injury. Six Ways to Control, Decrease, or Avoid Joint Pain First, change the things you can Eat anti-inflammatory foods Include foods that are naturally anti-inflammatory, like blueberries. Healthline suggests adding turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and other herbs and spices that naturally help reduce inflammation. Chocolate, nuts, fatty fish, and other Omega-3-rich foods, and those green leafy vegetables can help too. According to, citrus fruits, caffeine, nightshades (such as tomatoes), sugar (in all their forms), and salt can trigger joint pain, therefore limit your intake of these. Exercise When your joints hurt, you put exercise at the end of your list of things that can't wait, but don't discount it. Regular movement helps keep your joints lubricated and strengthens the muscles that surround and support your joints. Low-impact activities like yoga, swimming, and cycling are gentler on the joints than high-impact sports like running. Regular exercise can also help you with another risk factor for joint pain. Manage your weight Excess kilos means excess hitting your joints as you move, so losing even a few pounds can increase mobility and ease pain. Hydrate yourself Drink plenty of water to keep tissues moist and flexible. At menopause, our bodies lose water (or don't retain it as well), so it is important to replace lost moisture as much as possible. And that means water. No sports drinks, no sodas, no coffee. Ice When there is inflammation, ice can help relieve pain. Apply carefully to avoid damaging your skin: 20 minutes with an ice pack should help reduce swelling. Less stress We know this is easier said than done, but when it comes to joint pain, stress is especially troublesome. Stress increases cortisol levels, and cortisol can cause additional inflammation in the joints. Do what you can to keep stress under control. Supplements There are a variety of supplements that can help. One of the best supplements for menopausal joint pain may be magnesium glycinate. According to the Arthritis Foundation, “Magnesium makes bones strong; maintains nerve and muscle function; regulates heart rate and blood sugar levels; and helps maintain articular cartilage”. Other good options are glucosamine and chondroitin. Results vary personally and please always consult a medical professional and do your due diligence before beginning a supplemental routine. When to talk to a doctor There are other causes of joint pain that can be more serious than a drop in estrogen, so if you're concerned that your pain may have another cause, see a medical professional. Other possible causes of joint pain include lupus, Lyme disease, gout, septic arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA is an autoimmune disorder that affects women more than men; it is different from OA, which is more closely related to aging and wear). Unlike many signs of menopause, joint pain may not subside when hormones level off after menopause, so it's important to make good lifestyle choices now and stick with them. The lymph, or lymphatic, system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that branch, like blood vessels, throughout the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells that are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells. Turmeric Total Boost
maya justin
Sep 01, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Foods that you should not forget to include in the basic diet Fill your kitchen with these foods to ensure a diet full of antioxidants, fiber, essential oils and other healthy properties that cannot be lacking in your daily diet. They are natural medicine. Avocados or Avocados This is one of the most alkaline foods. Avocados are very rich in vitamin E which is essential to show off glowing skin and shiny hair. Broccoli Consider broccoli your number one cancer fighter or preventer, thanks to its sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane, that you can smell while cooking. These compounds send a signal to our genes to drive the production of enzymes that potentially detoxify carcinogenic compounds. Eat more broccoli and you could lower your risk of everything from breast and lung cancer to stomach and colon cancer. Consume 1/2 cup (125 ml) of steamed broccoli for 3-4 minutes until crisp to release more of its sulforaphane. Berries All berries, especially currants, are very rich in vitamin C and therefore very useful for the body. Vitamin C helps with blood circulation and facilitates the use of minerals and salts throughout the body. Green vegetables Broccoli, spinach, and lettuce are very beneficial for the body. They not only help maintain low body weight, but also help fight toxins. Fighting toxins is important, because a highly toxic body is like a magnet for all kinds of diseases that can harm the body. Add vegetables of all kinds to your diet. Raw is the best. Read foods that contain phytoestrogens. Olive oil Eat olives and you will get one of the healthiest fats in the world. One of the main benefits of olive oil is that it raises "good" cholesterol, HDL, and reduces "bad" LDL cholesterol, thanks to its monounsaturated fats. It is also full of phenols, powerful antioxidants that protect and prevent a build-up of cholesterol on the arterial walls. It is recommended to only consume "extra virgin" or "cold pressed" olive oils because they are the ones that keep the properties of the oil intact. Take 1 tablespoon daily. Garlic This is one of the most important foods that nature gives us. The benefits of garlic are numerous. It helps prevent cell degeneration, helps keep blood thin, and also prevents heart disease. It is most beneficial when eaten raw. Beans Beans are actually good for your heart, thanks in large part to their soluble fiber. Studies find that diets high in soluble fiber can lower cholesterol by 10 to 15 percent. A recent study also ranked beans among the top antioxidant foods. ¾ cup (175 ml) of beans is equal to one serving of meat. Beans contain more protein than any other plant food, but the protein is incomplete. Eat with rice at any time of the day to "fill in" the protein. Ginger This root facilitates digestion and is essential for the body. Ginger keeps the bowel movement in shape, allowing for good intestinal health. Yogurt Great source that supplies calcium to our bones, but its true power lies in its living beneficial bacteria called probiotics, which keep the "bad" bacteria in the gut in check. It is an excellent remedy for inflammatory bowel disease, urinary tract infections, ulcers, and vaginal infections. It is recommended to consume ¾ cup (175 ml) of low-fat or fat-free yogurt preferably, either in dairy products (organic) or in coconut. Walnuts Walnuts, pecans, almonds and cashews and in general the so-called dried fruits are a great source of food and energy. Consuming nuts on a daily basis serves to combat the feeling of lethargy and fill the body with immense energy. Whole grain and brown rice Substitute pasta and white rice with whole wheat pasta and brown rice and you will feel the difference in energy level. Carbohydrates are the quintessential energy foods and should never be given up. The whole grain has all kinds of interesting properties that are lost when the husk and germ are removed. Watermelons and melons Not only do they have an alkalizing effect on the body, but they also provide the body with the essential fluids it needs to perform various tasks. We invite you to see natural diuretics Water Nothing compares to pure water. Stay away from fizzy drinks. Water is essential for our body. It is responsible for cleaning the body of all toxins. It also provides the fluidity of blood circulation. At least 8 glasses of pure and clean water should be consumed daily. The best way to consume water is through food, eat foods full of water such as fruits and vegetables. If you exercise regularly, it will help you in maintaining a moderate weight & increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means the cells are better able to utilize the available sugar in the bloodstream. Exercise will also help muscles use blood sugar for energy and muscle contraction. Ceracare Diabetes Reviews
maya justin
Aug 31, 2021
In Pilgrimage
To improve blood circulation, it is necessary to carry out certain changes in habits and benefit, for example from massages, eliminate certain factors that cause poor circulation and be able to avoid the complications that it may cause in the body. The term circulation is most commonly associated with the circulation of blood in the body. Blood circulation is responsible for the action that moves nutrients, gases, and wastes to and from cells, and helps stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain harmony. We cannot live without the blood that circulates throughout our body. The heart acts as a pump, keeping our blood flowing to the lungs to get oxygenated, and then taking it to our organs, then taking the deoxygenated blood from our organs to the lungs to be oxygenated again. When circulation is compromised, oxygen does not reach all the organs and areas it needs, and our system can fail. Improving blood circulation should be the solution. Circulation and the body The blood circulation is very closely related to health. Circulation also means the circulation of lymph in the body. If you suspect that you have blood circulation problems, it is essential that you learn to improve circulation. The lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune system - which we all know is very important for health. Certain conditions and lifestyle habits can lead to poor circulation, such as diabetes, arthritis, smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise, to name a few, and similarly blood circulation problems can lead to many conditions and diseases. Learning to improve blood circulation will reduce the possibility of suffering from a number of painful conditions such as boils, chilblains, and haemorrhoids, among others. Conditions caused by poor blood circulation · Eye bags · Cold hands and feet · Itch · Eye problems · Vertigo and dizziness · Muscle cramps · Numbness · Leg ulcers · Boils · Blood clots · Carpal tunnel · Chilblains · Haemorrhoids · Raynaud's disease · Varicose veins · Cardiovascular disease · Loss of memory · Blood circulation in children While adults are usually the most common age group to deal with most circulation problems, children can be affected by them, too. Since the heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, responsible for lung and systemic function, babies born with complex congenital heart disease are especially prone to difficulties. Whether or not temporary or corrective surgery has been performed for this condition, any defect in normal blood flow can have a significant impact on a child's physical and mental development, from growth to behavioural and academic performance. Helps to improve blood circulation Following a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to promote and improve blood circulation. While high cholesterol levels can lead to clogged arteries, plaque deposits, and hypertension, eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet will help improve blood circulation. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting smoking are contributing factors, too. If you are having trouble healing, experiencing bluish or pale skin, or having cold hands and / or feet, even at a comfortable temperature, you may have blood circulation problems. You must also wonder how you can improve blood circulation. Tips for preventing poor blood circulation · Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day for proper hydration · Eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish and poultry in small portions and keep it organic · Limit sugar, alcohol, protein, dairy, salt, caffeine, and refined white flour products, such as pasta · Drink real lemon juice lemonade - lemon juice contains citrate · Exercise regularly · Increase intake of magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements · Use hot compresses or castor oil compresses to relieve pain and cramps · Try massage therapy, which can also help improve circulation Foods to improve blood circulation · Fruits and vegetables of any kind are good for your health, especially oranges, which provide high levels of bioflavonoids to promote blood flow while strengthening capillaries, as well as watermelon, a natural source of lycopene, which is known to help prevent plaque build-up, a common obstacle to blood flow, to help promote healthy circulation. · Nuts are rich in vitamin B3, which helps boost blood. · Garlic also helps promote circulation. · Avoid saturated and trans fats, as well as sugary sodas or fruit drinks. This will help thin the blood so that it passes more easily through the small blood vessels. The first step of this meditation is to relax your entire body, body part by body part. Start with the top of your head and relax this area, then focus on your forehead and relax this section, from the front of your head to the back and the middle, too, if you can. Then move down to your eyes, relax everything here, then your nose, below your nose, and your lips. Step by step focus on each area and relax all of the muscles you can. Shambala Secret
maya justin
Aug 30, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Getting the nutrients and minerals we need through the modern diet is almost impossible. In this latest generation, the quality of our food and its production methods have drastically reduced the nutritional balance that was once ideal and complete. One of the important but small components that promote that healthy balance is the spectrum of trace minerals our cells need to function and thrive. Perhaps you have been explained in your elementary science class that when the universe was born, it contained all the matter that would ever exist: today there is neither more nor less matter than at the beginning of time. Within the natural order of our planet, resources are transformed and transported in many ways. Just as the water cycle transfers water from the sky to the ground and from there back to the sky, the trace minerals that once enriched the soils around the planet have also been transferred. However, trace minerals do not have the unique properties of water. Once they leave the ground, there is no natural mechanism to return them to their original location. Increasingly scarce trace minerals For many years, weather, natural disasters, and human farming techniques have brought most trace nutrients from the depths to the surface of the soil. This is why rain, floods and other means of transfer have washed away these nutrients. But as we already know, these have not disappeared, it is simply a matter of knowing where to look to be able to recover them once again. Enriched soil carryover has accumulated these minerals in specific locations over time, which are now collective deposits of trace minerals that all creatures require for maximum health and longevity. Because the soil where our food is grown no longer contains these minerals, the extraction and production of trace mineral supplements has become crucial. Benefits of trace minerals We all had to memorize at some point the Periodic Table, the complete list of known elements, which includes the trace elements and the ionic minerals necessary for life to exist. Since our bodies use these elements on a daily basis, it is vital that we regularly replenish their supply so that all of our body systems and responses function properly. The regular intake of trace minerals supports our body so that it can have a proper physiological function and avoid health problems. Trace minerals are essential for numerous body functions and processes, including enzyme function, thyroid regulation, glucose absorption, blood clotting, tissue formation, oxygen transport in red blood cells, detoxification and many more. A deficiency of any of the trace minerals can result in an imbalance of other minerals and prevent us from taking advantage of their benefits, making the body more vulnerable. An example of an imbalance can be an overly acidic environment - these are conditions in which harmful organisms thrive and duplicate and can cause a variety of health problems, from fatigue to chronic health conditions. However, having the right amount and balance of trace minerals promotes a healthy pH balance or alkaline environment, which is good for healthy cells and for optimal bodily functions. The essential trace elements There are more than seventy known trace minerals. The scientific community has begun to study the importance of trace minerals and how they interact with the human body. Researchers are learning more every day about what trace elements are necessary to establish and maintain a healthy balance in the body, and what health problems could result from a mineral imbalance. We know that a large percentage of people have some level of mineral deficiency and that this imbalance can manifest itself in symptoms as simple as food cravings or as severe as chronic fatigue. These are the important functions that only some of the trace minerals we need to function and maintain a healthy and long life perform: Boron Helps reduce inflammation and degeneration, improves bone growth and health, promotes central nervous system function, promotes healthy cell growth, contributes to hormone production, and supports immune response and modulation of oxidative stress. Chrome Improves the ability of cells to absorb glucose, stimulates fatty acids and synthesizes cholesterol Cobalt Promotes the formation of red blood cells and is an important part of B-12 Copper Supports the formation of red blood cells and connective tissue, stores and releases iron to form hemoglobin, and contributes to the functions of the central nervous system Iodine Promotes proper thyroid function, controls how quickly the body uses energy, and produces protein Iron Carries oxygen in red blood cells Manganese Essential for enzyme systems; promotes brain function Molybdenum It is part of the enzyme systems; detoxification processes Selenium An antioxidant that combines with vitamin E and protects cells from free radicals. Zinc Provides enzymatic functions such as nucleic acid synthesis, supports immune function, and promotes insulin storage The importance of ionic minerals Every second of every day your body depends on ionic minerals, minerals with a positive or negative electrical charge that allow them to bind with water and be absorbed by the body. Ionic minerals conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses that are a vital part of muscle function, including that of the heart. These minerals help the brain to function and cells to use osmosis to balance water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure that you are getting the ionic minerals and electrolytes your body needs, choose only ionic mineral supplements or supplements that contain ionic minerals. Due to the scarcity of many of these nutrients in soils used for agriculture, we can no longer trust that a healthy diet can guarantee the consumption of each of these trace minerals. This is why you should consider starting to take trace mineral supplements. After about two to seven days of following the keto diet, you go into something called ketosis, or the state your body enters when it doesn't have enough carbs for your cells to use for energy. That's when you start making ketones, or organic compounds that your bod then uses in place of those missing carbs. Exogenous Ketones Keto
maya justin
Aug 04, 2021
In Pilgrimage
There are certain foods that improve memory and promote concentration. We tell you what they are Most of us know which foods are good to lose weight, to fill us up, to sleep well ... but we do not know which are the best for the brain. There are certain foods that can help us increase our concentration, improve memory, relieve stress, and reduce fatigue. In other words, they make us smarter and more productive at work, as they allow us to do more tasks and perform them much better. 1) Salmon The salmon is packed with fatty acids omega-3, which are crucial for brain performance. Research has shown that omega-3 deficiency can lead to fatigue, poor memory, and mood swings. And since our bodies cannot make these acids, it is important to obtain them from food. 2) Blueberries and strawberries A recent study found a link between eating more blueberries and strawberries with a reduced rate of cognitive decline. Researchers believe this is because these fruits have a high concentration of flavonoids, an antioxidant that has antihistamine and antimicrobial properties. In addition, according to experts, blueberries help protect the brain from stress and can even reduce the effects of diseases such as Alzheimer's. 3) Avocado Avocados are good for the brain. Experts have concluded that the high level of monounsaturated fatty acids in this food can help keep brain nerve cells healthy. 4) Walnuts The nuts are packed with vitamin E, which protects us against some aspects of the cognitive decline that comes with age. In addition, these nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, whose benefits for the brain we have mentioned in point number 1. 5) Tea According to experts, tea can benefit both areas of the brain that stimulate relaxation and those focused on focus and concentration. 6) Broccoli and spinach Several studies suggest that spinach and broccoli protect us against age-related cognitive decline. In addition, both vegetables are rich in iron, an essential mineral that helps transport oxygen throughout the body and keeps us active and energetic. 7) Red wine The red wine contains a key component, resveratrol, which is associated with greater longevity. 8) Oysters In addition to being aphrodisiacs, oysters are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. 9) Dark chocolate Harvard recently conducted a small study that suggests there is a link between dark chocolate and brain function. The researchers concluded that chocolate appeared to increase the blood supply to the brain, providing it with more fuel for the work it does. The Ketogenic diets, also known as keto diet, has been snatching the limelight of the world ever since the “quick weight loss” industry started gaining momentum. Keto diet was initially invented to treat health conditions like epilepsy and seizures. Now, since celebrities started endorsing the keto diet for weight loss and management, it is now being widely used for weight loss and for the management of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. Xoth Keto BHB
maya justin
Jul 30, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Hashimoto's disease or also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder where the immune system turns against the body's own tissues. In people with Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism in the sufferer, a condition in which the thyroid does not produce enough hormones for the body's needs. The thyroid gland produces hormones that control metabolism. This includes your heart rate and how quickly your body processes the food you eat. Causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The exact cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not known, but many factors are believed to play a very important role in its occurrence, these are: The genes: People with Hashimoto's disease often have family members who suffer from thyroid or other autoimmune diseases. Which suggests that there is a certain genetic predisposition in the appearance of autoimmune thyroiditis. The Hashimoto 's disease affects approximately seven times more women than men, indicating that sex hormones may also play an important role. Also, some women have thyroid problems in the first year after having a baby. Although the problem usually disappears, 20% of these women will develop Hashimoto's disease over the years. Excess iodine: Some research suggests that some drugs in addition to excess iodine (a trace mineral required by your body to make thyroid hormones) can trigger thyroid disease in susceptible people. Exposure to radiation: Increases in cases of autoimmune thyroiditis have been reported in people exposed to radiation, for example, the atomic bombs in Japan, the Chernobyl nuclear accident or radiation treatment for a form of blood cancer called Hodgkin's disease. Symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis The symptoms of Hashimoto's disease can be mild at first, in fact it could take years to develop. The first sign of the disease is often an enlarged thyroid, called a goiter. Goiter can make the front of your neck look swollen. A large goiter can make it difficult for you to swallow or, in other words, to eat food or drink correctly. If you want to know if you suffer from this disease, it would be very useful to read these 6 signs of chronic thyroiditis: · Weight gain · Fatigue and chronic tiredness · Joint and muscle pain · Constipation · Difficulty getting pregnant · Irregular menstrual periods Because the symptoms of Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be similar to those of other diseases, it is important to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Complications of Hashimoto's disease When this problem is not properly treated, it can bring about a series of complications, such as those mentioned below: · Enlargement of the thyroid gland. In severe cases, the throat can become inflamed in such a way that it appears as if there is a ball inside. Occasionally, a large goiter can interfere with breathing or swallowing food. · Emotional problems - Low thyroid levels can increase the risk of depression and libido problems, such as reduced sexual desire. · Heart conditions - Low levels of thyroid hormones allow "bad" cholesterol levels to rise. This can increase the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks. In some cases, Hashimoto's disease causes other heart conditions, such as an enlarged heart or heart failure. · Birth defects - The baby of a woman who has not been treated for Hashimoto's disease is at risk for various birth defects including cleft palate and heart, kidney, or brain malformations. Treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis There is no cure for Hashimoto's disease, but replacing hormones with medications can regulate your hormone levels and restore your normal metabolism. The drug is available in several different dosages. The exact dose your doctor prescribes will depend on several factors, including: · Age · Weight · Severity of hypothyroidism · Other health problems · Other medications that can interact with synthetic thyroid hormones recommendations Once you start treatment, your doctor will order a lab test called a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test. To monitor thyroid function and to be able to make sure you are getting the correct dose. Thyroid hormones work very slowly in the body, and it may take a few months for symptoms to disappear and your goiter to contract. However, if there are large cysts that do not improve, it may be necessary to remove the thyroid gland completely. Once men find themselves facing any kind of prostate health issue, whether it is prostate cancer, enlarged prostate due to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatitis, they immediately want to know what they can do. While the best plan is to prevent prostate problems through a healthy lifestyle, the good news is that there are actually many natural ways that a man can promote better prostate health even if he already has symptoms or a diagnosis of a problem. ProstaStream
maya justin
Jul 27, 2021
In Pilgrimage
About 1/3 of all adults are said to have ever experienced abdominal pain. In the case of patients over 65 years of age, 63% are hospitalized when they consult with abdominal pain, almost 30% end up in surgery, with a mortality of 10%. In addition to this scenario, 30% of patients who consult for abdominal pain never discover the cause. A figure that raises some alarm but puts us in perspective about how difficult it is to assess abdominal pain. Over 1,000 different causes have been identified, and they can be caused by problems within or outside the abdomen itself. Causes of abdominal pain The abdominal pain may be classified in different ways: · Acute or chronic, when the pain is 12 weeks or less, respectively. · Surgical or medical, depending on the cause of resolution by surgery or by pathologies of non-surgical medical treatment, respectively. · Anatomical location: separating the abdomen by nine quadrants, in order to facilitate the identification of pain, but does NOT necessarily mean that the cause of the pain is directly related to the area that is reported sensitive by the patient. · Upper or lower pain, left or right can be located by dividing the abdominal region in half, as the case may be. · Causes can also be identified according to the mechanism of pain. According to the mechanism of abdominal pain on the left side, we have: Pain of abdominal origin · Inflammation of the abdominal wall. · Bacterial contamination (eg, pelvic inflammatory disease, perforated diverticulum). · Chemical irritation (eg, perforated ulcer). · Mechanical obstruction of the hollow intestines. · Small and large bowel obstruction. · Biliary tract obstruction (right side). · Urinary tract obstruction. · Vascular diseases. · Intestinal embolism or thrombosis. · Rupture of vessels. · Compression or torsion occlusion. · Sickle cell anemia · Changes in the abdominal wall (hernias). · Mesenteric torsion / stretch. · Muscle trauma / infections. · Distension of visceral surfaces (eg, kidney / liver capsule). Referred extra-abdominal pain · Chest (eg, pneumonia, coronary occlusion). · Spinal column (eg radiculitis due to arthritis, Herpes zoster). · Genitalia (for example, testicular torsion). · Metabolic causes. Exogenous causes · Lead poisoning and other substances. Endogenous causes · Uremia · Diabetic cetoacidosis · Neurogenic causes Organic causes · Herpes infection Functional causes · Hematologic causes · Acute leukemia · Anemias: hemolytic and sickle cell Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain on the left side: The situation of abdominal pain in children is a little more difficult, although the causes are usually less severe and with lower morbidity and mortality than in other age groups. It is necessary to mention the differences of the causes between newborns, children and adolescents. Newly born: · Colic of the newborn. · Stomach flu. · Constipation. · Hernias, Intestinal Intussusception or Volvulus. · Urinary infections Children: · Stomach flu. · Appendicitis (right side, exceptionally left side can hurt). · Constipation. · Urinary infections. · Mesenteric lymphadenitis (viral). Teenagers: · Stomach flu. · Constipation. · Dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain. · Pelvic inflammatory disease (F). · Testicular torsion. · Inflammatory bowel disease Elderly: The first cause is those originating in the large intestine: · Colon diverticulosis. · Diverticulitis · Intestinal perforations. Vascular causes must be taken into account: · Arterial aneurysms. · Intestinal ischemia. In case of chronic pain: · Cancer and tumors. Extraintestinal causes must be considered: · Pneumonia · Myocardial infarctions. · Urinary infections. · Referred spinal pain. The causes of abdominal pain on the left side are very varied and as we mentioned above, 30% remain undiscovered, the important thing is to always recognize certain alarm symptoms: Warning signs to consult a specialist: · Symptoms continue despite completing a course of medication treatment - either prescription or over-the-counter. · Vomiting · Non-voluntary weight loss. · Change in pain pattern. · Pain that interferes with daily activities. Warning signs to consult emergencies: · Pain accompanied by fever. · Pain with inability to urinate, defecate or pass gas. · Severe pain, fainting, inability to move. · Chest pain accompanied by pain that radiates to the neck, jaw, arms, with shortness of breath, weakness, irregular pulse or sweating. · Ongoing nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. · Severe pain · Vomiting of blood or black stools. When you’re eating the foods that get you there (more on that in a minute), your body can enter a state of ketosis in one to three days, she adds. During the diet, the majority of calories you consume come from fat, with a little protein and very little carbohydrates. keto also happens if you eat a very low-calorie diet think doctor-supervised, medically recommended diets of 600 to 800 total calories per day. Kapex
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Autoimmune diseases are one of the leading causes of suffering in the world, and they have practically become an epidemic. But these are the best nutrients that everyone with these types of diseases should be considering. These are the reasons. To put the pervasive nature of this huge health problem into perspective, in the US alone, there are now twice as many people with autoimmune diseases as there are heart disease, according to the American Association for Autoimmune Diseases. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to take control of your health. Research suggests that genetics account for only about a third of autoimmune disease factors. Environmental triggers, diet, and lifestyle are probably primarily responsible for triggering and / or worsening autoimmune disease. This is good news for sufferers because it means that they can help themselves to be in control of their health by dampening inflammatory attacks and even sending the dreaded autoimmune response into remission. As Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said: "Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food." When there is a lack of nutrients in the food you eat, the genetic switch for autoimmunity can be activated, but that works both ways. Top 5 Nutrients for Autoimmune Disease Filling our bodies with the nutrients it needs could turn off this switch. Here are some of the top and best nutrients and dietary medications recommended for people suffering from autoimmune diseases: 1. Vitamin A to calm the immune system Vitamin A is essential for a strong immune system, and vitamin A deficiency has been associated with autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. As you can see, this is one of the best nutrients that should not be lacking in your diet if you suffer from autoimmunity. Researchers suspect that the reason has to do with our dendritic cells, which send a "red alert" at the sign of a suspected invader, to stimulate immunity, or a "calm" message that attenuates excessive and harmful immune reactivity. The "calm" message needs vitamin A. Food Medicine - The true vitamin A, called retinol, is only found in animal products such as fish, shellfish, fermented cod liver oil, liver, and fat from grass-fed cows. Vegetable carotenes, precursors to vitamin A, are found in sweet potatoes and carrots, but the conversion rate to usable retinol is very low. In fact, research suggests that in healthy adults, only 3% of beta-carotene is converted. 2. Vitamin D for better immune function and less inflammation Known as the 'sunshine vitamin', this nutrient is essential for many metabolic and immune functions in the body, but specifically, vitamin D works in conjunction with vitamin A and has been shown to synergistically dampen the inflammatory response of Th17 cells which are T cells that produce a series of inflammatory chemicals, such as interleukin-17. With autoimmune conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis, Th17 cells go haywire, but vitamin D can help quell this inappropriate response. Food medicine: As with vitamin A, vitamin D is more abundant in animal fats and dairy, but the best way to obtain it is by taking a little sun, about 20 to 60 minutes a day, depending on your complexion. Consider getting tested every few months to make sure your vitamin D levels are within a healthy range. 3. Vitamin K2 one of the best nutrients for brain and spinal cord healing A study in the Journal of Neuroimmunology found that vitamin K2 was effective in inhibiting pro-inflammatory iNOS (nitric oxide) in the spinal cord and brain immune system in rats that had multiple sclerosis symptoms. This suggests that it could have the same effect in humans, but unfortunately, K2 deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the Western diet. Fortunately, you can fix this with the correct "food medicine". Food Medicine: Vitamin K2 is best combined with other fat-soluble vitamins, A and D, in the form of whole foods such as free-range animal butter or organ meat. 4. Iron to replenish deficits Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is linked to many autoimmune diseases, but how much of this is a cause and how much is an effect is unclear. One likely reason is that ferritin (stored iron) is absorbed primarily from the intestines. When absorption is compromised by inflammation and autoimmunity, iron stores can fall too low, and as you already know, damage to the intestinal lining and leaky gut syndrome are considered (in functional medicine) as preconditions for autoimmunity. Food medicine: Once the gut heals, iron-rich foods like grass-fed beef, liver, and spinach can be effective, as can cooking with cast-iron cookware. 5. Micronutrients to calm inflammation and promote optimal function Micronutrient deficiencies, especially selenium, magnesium, and zinc, are associated with several autoimmune diseases. This is likely primarily due to chronic inflammation, which decreases the absorption of these vital nutrients. However, these micronutrients are necessary for healthy thyroid hormone production and conversion, and thyroid problems like Hashimoto's disease are some of the more common autoimmune conditions that affect them. Supplementation with these micronutrients can help return thyroid problems to normal as you work on healing the gut and decreasing inflammation to increase micronutrient absorption. Food Medicine: A variety of nuts and seeds such as Brazil nuts, as well as oysters, are good sources of these nutrients. What else can you do along with acquiring the best nutrients If you're having trouble with the symptoms of an autoimmune disease, what else can you do besides increase your nutrient intake? Here are some specific steps to consider: 1. Monitor your nutrient levels A good start is to do blood tests to check how your nutrient levels are. This can help you orient your diet and any supplementation where you need it. 2. Control your nutrient absorption problems You may be eating all the right foods, but that won't help you if you aren't absorbing their nutrients. It's best to get thorough testing to address any potential inflammatory microbiome issues, such as leaky gut syndrome, that may be preventing optimal nutrient absorption. Try that first so that food medicine can help you. 3. Avoid your trigger foods Autoimmunity can cause an immune response from virtually any food. For example, nuts can be a great source of micronutrients in theory, but your body may not agree with them in particular. Knowing what your body reacts to will help you personalize your diet. Ask your doctor about tests to observe the reactivity of foods, so that you can discover which foods to avoid as you recover. 4. Lead an anti-inflammatory lifestyle There are many natural tools you can use to help dampen inflammatory immune responses, such as avoiding gluten, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. 5. Consider an evaluation for functional medicine Functional medicine can help you discover and implement sustainable strategies for a good recov Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There are 2 main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t produce any insulin. It’s sometimes called juvenile diabetes because it’s usually discovered in children and teenagers, but it may appear in adults, too. Gluconite Reviews
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In Pilgrimage
In traditional cooking, people often use meat bones as the base for a delicious broth. Besides being the secret to good cooking, bone broth is also incredibly nutritious and has many health benefits. Read on to find out why we should all drink bone broth and make this incredible drink a staple in your diet. Bone broth base of important protocols to recover health Drinking bone broth, made from beef or chicken bones and vegetables, can benefit your skin, heart, muscles, joints, and gut health. These meat and vegetable bones can be simmered to make a nutritious bone broth with many benefits. Proponents of the Paleo and Primal lifestyles favor bone broth for its wide range of nutrients that are hard to find in any other food source. Meat and bone broth is the basis for important protocols such as the Autoimmune Protocol, to restore health due to its ability to heal and seal the intestinal lining and reduce the overgrowth of harmful microbes. Broth made from chicken bones can also reduce the migration of immune cells during illness. These are just a few of the many reasons to drink bone broth. The antiquity of bone broth and the tradition of its use The ability of broth, and chicken broth in particular, to treat the common cold has long been touted as ancient folk wisdom. It is well accepted that broth of some kind was, and still is, a staple in many traditional cultures. A central component of functional medicine is using whole foods to nourish your body and get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Traditional cultures accomplished this by practicing nose-to-tail eating and consuming all parts of the animal, including: skin, cartilage, tendons, and other gelatin-rich cuts of meat. This provided a balanced intake of all the amino acids necessary to build and maintain essential structures in the human body. Bringing bone broth into the modern diet offers an easy and delicious means of obtaining the nutrition from parts of the animal that traditional cultures value. A study conducted by scientists at the University of Nebraska tried to prove this folklore in 2000 and found that some components of chicken soup could inhibit the migration of innate immune cells called neutrophils, effectively acting as an anti-inflammatory. That could, in theory, reduce the symptoms of the disease Bone broth is rich in nutrients Bones contain a large number of minerals, as well as 17 different amino acids, many of which are found in bone broth as proteins like collagen and gelatin. Although the exact nutritional content varies depending on the bones used, the cooking time and the cooking method, the following nutrients are consistently found in most bone broths. Gelatin in bone broth When collagen is simmered, it forms gelatin. This hydrolysis of collagen is irreversible and results in the breakdown of long collagen protein fibrils into smaller protein peptides. However, its chemical composition is very similar to its original molecule, collagen. Gelatin is what gives bone broth its jelly-like consistency once it has cooled. Wisteria Glycine is an amino acid that makes up more than a third of collagen. It also acts as a neurotransmitter, binding to glycine receptors throughout the nervous system and peripheral tissues. Signaling through this receptor is particularly important in mediating inhibitory neurotransmission in the brainstem and spinal cord. Collagen With 28 different types, collagen makes up about 30 percent of the protein in your body. It is the main component of connective tissues such as tendons, bone, cartilage, ligaments, and skin. It is also present in the blood vessels, cornea, and lens of the eye. The name collagen comes from the Greek "kólla", which means "glue", and the suffix "gene", which means "to produce". In fact, early glue was made from collagen more than 8,000 years ago, probably by boiling the skin and tendons of animals. In addition to providing structure, collagen also plays an important role in the development and regulation of tissues. Proline Proline is an amino acid that makes up about 17 percent of collagen. The addition of hydroxyl groups to proline significantly increases the stability of collagen and is essential for its structure. Although small amounts of proline can be manufactured in the body, evidence shows that adequate dietary proline is necessary to maintain an optimal level of this amino acid in the body. Proline is generally not considered a neurotransmitter, but it can bind weakly to glutamate receptors and glycine receptors. Glutamine Glutamine is another important amino acid found in bone broth and is the most abundant amino acid in the blood. It is one of the few amino acids that can directly cross the blood-brain barrier. Intestinal epithelial cells and activated immune cells feed on glutamine for cellular energy. Glucosaminoglycans Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are complex carbohydrates that participate in many biological processes. They can bind to proteins to form proteoglycans, which are integral parts of connective tissue and synovial fluid, the lubricant that surrounds the joint. If connective tissue, such as tendons, ligaments and cartilage, is still attached, the bones of the broth will provide our bodies with raw materials for the formation of skin, bones and cartilage, including: hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfates, keratan sulfates, dermatan sulfates. Drinking bone broth provides you with the most important minerals Bone is also packed with a variety of minerals, including: Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Iron, Copper. An acid medium is necessary to extract these minerals from your food. When making broth, always add a little vinegar or other acids to extract the most minerals from the bone. Bone marrow Within the central cavity of the bone is the bone marrow, which consists of two types: red and yellow. Both types contain collagen. Red bone marrow is the manufacturing site for new immune cells and red blood cells, while yellow marrow consists of healthy fats. It is believed that important nutritional and immune supporting factors can be extracted from the marrow during cooking, but the bioavailability of these factors has not been studied. As you may have noticed, bone broth is a gold mine, not for nothing our ancestors already knew about its benefits and used it as a remedy for various and important ailments. This remedy has endured today because it works, it is scientifically proven since it is actually a drink that heals. Bone broth is a natural medicine that we should all be taking on a daily basis. Blood sugar levels can either be normal, high, or low, depending on how much glucose someone has in their bloodstream. Glucose is a simple sugar that’s present in the bloodstream at all times. Normal blood glucose levels can be measured when someone fasts, eats, or after they’ve eaten. A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, who haven’t eaten for at least eight hours (fasting) is less than 100 mg/dL. Gluconite Review
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In Pilgrimage
If you have less and less hair and you don't know if it's just genetic, read on: your diet may be to blame for your alopecia Tired of being increasingly bald? Not sure if it's just genetic? Do you notice that every day you have less hair? Don't worry, reader. Although your baldness is most likely caused by how your parents made you (it is always liberating to blame someone), the truth is that diet plays a large role in your obvious alopecia. Foods that promote baldness On many occasions, baldness increases or appears due to eating an incorrect diet or not taking certain foods that strengthen hair. And we do not say it, but the capital surgeon Antonio Burgos, who has revealed what are the foods that we should not consume if we do not want baldness to run its course or prevent its appearance. We tell you: 1) sugar The sugar is bad for the twenty - first century. Scientific popularizer Gary Taubes, in his book ' The Case Against Sugar ' (Random House), points in this direction: he assures that sugar causes a long list of modern health problems, from asthma to hypertension to cardiovascular accidents. or even some types of cancer. Besides all this, sugar is the best friend of alopecia, both in them and in them. "Its excessive consumption makes it difficult to control stress, causing a decrease in the levels of certain hormones and proteins, such as B and E, necessary to maintain healthy and strong hair," explains Burgos. 2) Bread, cookies and cakes Simple or refined carbohydrates must be added to sugar, which are loaded with this white powder. We must avoid any type of sweets, chocolates and sweets; also cookies, cakes, breads or any product made from white flour. The reason? These foods prevent the absorption of nutrients necessary for hair growth and, therefore, affect and weaken the follicles. 3) Salt The salt, besides making us fat by fluid retention is also very bad for your hair, it can dry it, cause you to lose volume, slowing their growth and accelerate its fall. 4) Sausages and fats Eating foods high in fat, such as cold cuts or fast food, damages hair regeneration because it causes an increase in testosterone, accelerating hair loss. [ See: The dark truth about the cold cuts you eat] 5) Some fish We must avoid fish and shellfish that have high levels of mercury, present especially in tuna or swordfish. [ See: Fish fraud reaches Spain] 6) Alcohol Consuming excessive alcohol causes us not to properly absorb zinc, which contributes to hair growth. Furthermore, spirits dehydrate us, making hair weaker and brittle. [ See: The most fattening alcoholic beverages] What to eat to avoid hair loss? Once we have detailed the foods that we must avoid to become (more) bald, we will move on to what we do have to eat: · Carrots · Soy · Spinach · Eggs · Vegetables · Beer yeast · Orange · Pineapple · Chia seeds · Broccoli · Tomatoes · Walnuts · Broccoli · Broccoli Buenosia Carol If we want to stop hair loss or prevent it, his thing is that we follow a healthy diet, which in addition to making us have great hair will keep us in shape. Following a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole carbohydrates and eating foods loaded with vitamin D (milk and eggs) and omega 3 (salmon, avocado ...) is all we need to have healthy hair. Or, at least, to have something.One way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthful diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar. The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should pick foods with low or medium GI scores. Stimula Blood Sugar
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Write down the tips you should follow to prepare your skin before, during and after sunbathing Holidays start and with them the hours of exposure to the sun, intentionally or not, multiply. Achieving a quick, beautiful and healthy tan in many cases becomes an obsession and the consequences of a bad exposure can generate more than one headache. How to get a nice tan? The best way to achieve a beautiful tan is to go ahead and prepare our skin in advance with an exfoliating treatment. From this moment, it is enough to always keep the skin clean and hydrated. To do this, you have to alternate a moisturizer in the morning with a regenerating cream at night. One proposal is to use the cleansing ritual proposed by the Kenfay brand composed of toner, exfoliating gel and moisturizing milk that respects the natural balance of the skin. The most natural way to keep your skin hydrated is with short, lukewarm showers as well as drinking plenty of water. What is the perfect amount? Drink about 2.5 liters a day, and do it on a regular basis, don't wait to be thirsty. Food is essential The food is also essential. Increase in your diet the foods that contain vitamins A, C and E. What is the key to recognize them? They are usually orange or red in color like tomatoes, carrots or squash. Also reduce the intake of fat, sugary drinks, alcohol or fried foods ... And goodbye to tobacco! How to choose the right cream? When it comes to sunbathing, we must remember that sun cream must have the perfect protection for our skin type. Its application should not be done when we begin exposure to the sun but 20 minutes before this moment. The ideal is to start with short times and increase them as the day and vacation days go by, trying to avoid the central hours of the day, between 12pm and 5pm. What is the perfect protection factor? But what is the perfect protection factor? · If your skin is very white and you have a tendency to burn, you cannot go below factor 50. · For medium tones a factor of 30 is recommended. · For dark skin that is very easy to tan, a level 15 can be selected. The first days it is always advisable to use a factor greater than usual. Hair, the great forgotten under the sun Protection from the effects of the sun should not remain on the skin. The hair needs the same care. On the beach there are many factors, beyond the sun, that affect the hair. The saltpeter in the water attracts the sun's rays, the wind carries particles that cause dryness and the marine minerals accelerate oxidation. In the pool the picture does not improve much, the chlorines used can alter the color. The most natural remedy is the use of scarves or hats, especially when the hair is wet, and as an aid you should use serum or masks and nourishing and moisturizing oils. What to do after sunbathing Just as important as taking care of ourselves before and during sun exposure is to do it afterwards. The best known and most recommended natural remedy is Aloe Vera, which has moisturizing, soothing and healing properties. Aloe Vera has moisturizing, soothing and healing properties One of its defenders is Jennifer Aniston who says that after sunbathing she applies aloe extracted directly from the plants in her garden to her skin. If you are not lucky enough to have a garden like that of the actress, don't worry, cosmetics have many alternatives available to everyone. Atlantia has launcheda soothing after sun milk with a refreshing and soothing formula based on Canarian aloe vera that nourishes and regenerates the skin helping to relieve burning and redness. How to lengthen the tan? And once we have followed all the advice and we have achieved a nice tan, how can we extend it over time? Hydration is still essential, go for cold showers and replace the gels with shower oils. Also keep taking care of your diet, it is time to take a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidant properties. There are a number of conditions that CBD is purported to help, although more research is needed to determine the potential effects and benefits of CBD. Some of the existing studies suggest that CBD holds promise in the treatment of a number of conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and sleep issues, among other things. Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies
maya justin
Jun 16, 2021
In Pilgrimage
The cutting indigestion occurs when, as the name implies, indigestion is interrupted by the body itself when contacted with cold water during digestion. This occurs because the blood is absent to reach the organs responsible for leveling the change in body temperature, we are also exposed to it happening to us if we have been sunbathing or doing physical activities for a long time and we submerge ourselves under water, the shock of temperature produced by the difference between the body and water can generate the same symptoms. Although these symptoms can appear in anyone, special care must be taken with children, who are unaware of these risks, and elderly people since they have a weaker heart rate and are more likely to suffer from the symptoms of a digestion cut. What are the symptoms of a digestion cut? Some of the most frequent symptoms when presenting a case of digestion cut are: · Dizziness. · Nausea · The cramps. · The stomachache . · The headache. · The cramps. · Sweating · The chills. · Pale skin · The heart rate drops considerably. · Blood pressure also drops. · Sometimes the reddening of the skin similar to hives appears. · Blurred vision · Ringing in the ears or tinnitus. · The fading. It is important that if you present any of these symptoms, and you are aware that you did the aforementioned activities, you immediately get out of the water and request help, since a digestive arrest has a high probability of ending in cardiac arrest and it is recommended to ask for help as soon as possible to greatly reduce the risk of cardiac arrest. How to treat a digestion cut? There are different ways to treat a digestion cut because there are several scenarios where you can suffer from it. The two most common scenarios where you can suffer from a digestion cut are at home and somewhere to bathe in public (beach, lake or pool), so we will tell you what to do in both cases as first aid while emergencies or a private doctor arrives. How to treat a digestion cut at home? In case of being in the house, the first thing is to take the person out of the bathroom or exercise and immediately make his body warm, for this we can dress him and put blankets, towels and whatever is within reach. After drying and putting the person to bed, if he or she does not present cardiac arrest, we have to keep the legs a little elevated to avoid as much as possible a lipothymia (loss of consciousness due to lack of blood in the brain) in isolated cases then From these actions the patient may present vomiting and diarrhea , in this case it is advisable to keep the patient hydrated. How to treat a digestion cut at the beach, pool or lake? In case of being in any of these places, the ideal is to alert the lifeguards of the site and call emergencies, if the lifeguards are not found the first thing is to remove the person from the water and activate the chain of survival while emergencies arrive. When taking the person out of the water, we lay them on their back to verify that they breathe, if they breathe, we must place them in the lateral safety position (on their side, resting their head on one arm and bending one leg so that the person maintains the position). the person has better air flow while emergencies arrive. If the person is not breathing, resuscitation maneuvers should be started as soon as possible, to perform these maneuvers you must lay the person on their back and raise the chin so that the airways are open and then perform mouth-to-mouth respiration (or with an artifact) with the combination of cardiac massages; It consists of kneeling in front of the person and in the middle of the imaginary line that is made with the two nipples, supporting the palm of the hand and intertwining the fingers with the other hand and with the arms stretched out, pressures are carried out. The ideal way is to perform two sets of 30 pressures followed by 2 insufflations (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation). Ideally, 90 pressures in one minute. The vibrational frequency your mind produces is in exact proportion to the amount of money you are receiving. If you desire to manifest more wealth, raising your vibration rate is the ultimate method for attraction to occur. The difficulties most individuals encounter is they regularly switch from a high to low frequency. The reason, they begin doubting their abilities or fear they can’t accomplish the result. Magic Wealth & Success Obsidian
maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In Pilgrimage
To preserve the nutrients in food, a series of simple tricks must be taken into account when cooking at home. We usually strive to eat fruits and vegetables because they are high in vitamins, fiber, or potassium. However, if we do not cook them properly, we can lose the contribution of these foods. Therefore, it is necessary to learn a few things to conserve the nutrients in our meals. Although the ideal is to eat raw and freshly cut fruits and vegetables, the truth is that this is not always possible. Either because the uncooked food itself is impossible for our body to digest, or because its raw flavor is too strong or not too rich. Nothing happens, we can cook them, but if we want our body to be nourished by all the good things, they have ... we better cook them well! Tips to conserve nutrients in your meals There are a few general recommendations to keep in mind. Light, oxygen, and excess water remove these nutrients in vegetables. Therefore, when we go to cook these foods, it is ideal that we do not previously soak them in any case. And when they are going to be introduced into the pot or pan, it is important that the water or oil are already ready to cook the food, thus minimizing the contact time with the stove. Another thing you should know is that the larger the pieces in which the piece has been cut, the less contact with oxygen it will have and there will be less oxidation. Finally, whenever possible, leave the skin on and eat it, as it contains the most concentrated nutrients. Sometimes its taste or texture will be strange to you, but if you get used to it, you will do your body a favor. On the other hand, it is very important to choose well how we are going to cook them. Ideally, the process should be fast and, if possible, without a lot of water or oil. In this way, cooking steamed, in the oven or on the grill (even in the microwave!) Is a good option since no water is used in the process? But be careful, this does not mean that you can leave it too long, since the heat also works against us. You can also sauté foods with little oil and at a high temperature. Thus, in a few minutes, you will have a prepared dish, rich and with all its nutritional contributions. But if your food needs a longer cooking, it does not mean that all is lost. Since food "forgets" its nutrients in the water, the ideal is that if you cook something for a long time, cook it in the form of a stew. Thus, the broth itself that accompanies the food retains the nutrients so, if you slice the dish well, you will minimize their loss. On the other hand, when boiling a food, you can add vinegar or lemon juice, which contributes to the preservation of nutrients. Finally, contrary to what we may think a priori, frying does not have to mean loss of vitamins, since the crust that surrounds the food helps in the conservation of vitamins. Of course, keep in mind that frying is very caloric and greasy, so do not abuse this option. Once you have learned these tricks to conserve the nutrients in your meals, share it with your friends, your health will thank you. Cera Care Customer, Cera Care Customer Review, Cera Care Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplement, Cera Care Customer Supplement Review, Cera Care Customer Supplement Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplements, Cera Care Customer Supplements Review, Cera Care Customer Ingredients, Cera Care Customer Ingredients Review, Cera Care Customer Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Customer Experience, Cera Care Customer Home Remedies, Cera Care Customer Symptoms, Cera Care Customer scam or not, Cera Care Customer side effects, Cera Care Customer Videos, Cera Care Customer Secrets, Cera Care Customer Capsules, Cera Care Customer amazon, Cera Care Customer, Cera Care Customer Review, Cera Care Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplement, Cera Care Customer Supplement Review, Cera Care Customer Supplement Reviews, Cera Care Customer Supplements, Cera Care Customer Supplements Review, Cera Care Customer Ingredients, Cera Care Customer Ingredients Review, Cera Care Customer Customer Reviews, Cera Care Customer Customer Experience, Cera Care Customer Home Remedies
maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In Pilgrimage
If you are looking for what to eat to get fit, don't get hung up on it. Sure, you already eat it, although maybe not in the right way. And it is that to get in shape you do not need to gorge yourself on protein bars or shakes that taste like rays, what's more, there are many products of this type with more sugar than they should and they are not the best option either. What's more, surely what you already have in the fridge may be a better choice if you have decided to start doing a little sport to regain fitness. What to eat to get in shape without weird diets As I anticipated, it is very possible that what you already eat is appropriate, only that you may have to modify your habits a bit. 1: Green leaves You already imagined this, green leafy vegetables such as cabbage -kale-, spinach, chard or pack choi, are not only good for your health, but they improve muscle fibers and help the better functioning of the muscles, so they will allow you to train with more intensity. Its consumption will improve sports performance, especially in times of greatest effort, such as sprints or high-altitude training. This is reflected in a study carried out by the Exercise Physiology research group at the University of Leuven in Belgium. 2: Watermelon juice Nor do you have to leave your salary in Gatorades or other isotonic drinks of the style. A good glass of watermelon juices an hour before starting training will be perfect to prevent the dreaded soreness, because according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, this fruit contains antioxidants that help increase muscle protein. 3: fast food This surely you did not expect, right? Of course, it is not about eating these types of foods every day or at all hours, but eating a good hamburger after a hard exercise session is a good way to replenish the glycogen stores that have been lost during sports practice. As effective as eating protein bars. That is the conclusion reached in a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Of course, you do not have to go overboard with the quantity, a good hamburger, yes, the XXXL size hamburger with a giant portion of potatoes, of course not. 4: Chocolate Well yes, you can eat chocolate every day, yes, dark chocolate and only a couple of ounces. Not only will you enjoy the treat, it will increase your physical stamina. According to a study conducted last year by researchers at Kingston University in London, dark chocolate works as a vasodilator, making oxygen better reach the muscles. 5: Cereals If eating a hamburger after exercising seems excessive, you don't want to spend extra money on energy bars and you want something quick, a bowl of cereal with low-fat milk will be perfect. Of course, it will be much better if they are whole grains without added sugar. What these researchers from the University of Texas at Austin say is that they help recovery after a long training session and replenish glycogen stores. 6: Coffee And yes, coffee can also be considered a sports supplement, since caffeine intake before exercising increases endurance. Researchers from the University of Georgia have recently published a study in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in which it is indicated that consuming between 3 and 7 mg of caffeine per kilo of body weight, increases resistance up to a 24%. Considering that a cup of coffee contains between 75 and 150 mg of caffeine, it is not difficult to do the math. As you can see, what you have to eat to get fit is very close. Gluconite, Gluconite Review, Gluconite Reviews, Gluconite Supplement, Gluconite Supplement Review, Gluconite Supplement Reviews, Gluconite Supplements, Gluconite Supplements Review, Gluconite Ingredients, Gluconite Ingredients Review, Gluconite Customer Reviews, Gluconite Customer Experience, Gluconite Home Remedies, Gluconite Symptoms, Gluconite scam or not, Gluconite side effects, Gluconite Videos, Gluconite Secrets, Gluconite Capsules, Gluconite amazon, Gluconite, Gluconite Review, Gluconite Reviews, Gluconite Supplement
maya justin
May 31, 2021
In Pilgrimage
Looking for the ideal diet to increase muscle mass? Take a look at the most suitable foods for muscle hypertrophy. The dream of many is to increase muscles and lose fat, but for this goal to be achieved, a balanced diet must be reconciled with the practice of physical exercises, in particular, bodybuilding, especially indicated for those who crave an increase in muscle mass and a lot of patience and dedication, because the results are not instantaneous. Food and muscle mass But for those who achieved the goals you should know what the human body needs and among the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body are the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, soluble and insoluble fiber and water, which must be present on the always balanced and healthy way of eating. So, if you are in search of a more statuesque and healthy body, we bring you some advice on eating and diets indicated mainly for those who yearn to increase muscle mass. Diet to increase muscle size for beginners In the diet to increase muscle mass, in beginners the main advice is to remember that the "weak" today can be the "strong" tomorrow and the important thing is to always bear in mind that a positive result is possible only after a lot of effort and dedication, after all, everybody responds differently, so learning and understanding how your body works is the key to success. In the case of beginners, the diet for muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass) must be composed of all the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, but proteins must be increased, mainly proteins of animal origin, which are rich into essential amino acids, these compounds that build tissues, particularly muscles. So, invest in a balanced and healthy diet composed of proteins of animal origin such as red meat (recommended that they be from free-range animals), fish, eggs, fruits (such as banana, orange juice, tomato, apple), nuts, seeds, these are some of the most recommended foods to gain bulk in the early stages. Diet for increasing female muscle mass Every day more women try to keep their bodies in shape, some dream of a statuesque body full of curves and muscles. But, to obtain a complete body, all muscles require intense practice and with an extra dose of dedication, this is because the female body acts differently than that of the man, being more conducive to an accumulation of fat in different areas of the body, It requires a proper diet, a routine and training that must be followed. As an adequate diet of foods with low-fat protein, among them, egg whites, oats, beans, lentils, chickpeas, yogurt (you can see a recipe for homemade yogurt here) added breads with seeds, nuts, skim milk, tuna, and lean red meat. And, in addition to a healthy and balanced diet, many nutritionists recommend using supplements that help to gain lean body mass, which are sources of protein and can be consumed after the meal, however, you must have a healthy menu that contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water in its composition. Consultation with a qualified trainer is recommended before beginning to use any supplement. Diet for increasing male muscle mass As the male body produces the hormone testosterone that helps to gain muscle mass, hypertrophy in men is faster, which allows men to have more defined muscles. But, for the objectives to be achieved, we must follow a strict diet that follows the same eating pattern, in addition to the aforementioned use of protein supplements such as whey protein, in the recommended amounts, see information on lactose intolerance to identify if you can cause you some trouble. In addition, you need adequate training that allows muscle groups a recovery and a correct carbohydrate intake to avoid the negative nitrogen balance that leads to protein catabolism, in other words, the breakdown of lean mass, thus guaranteeing an increase significant in muscle mass. If you have doubts about the recommended diet for muscle hypertrophy, do not hesitate and get in touch with a nutritionist who can guide you in your particular case. There are many different ways that blood sugar (glucose levels in the blood) can be affected and may cause problems with sugar control in people with diabetes. Each person reacts differently to a variety of things that influence blood sugar. People with diabetes should be aware of certain compounds and activities that influence blood sugar levels. Cera Care Customer Reviews
maya justin
May 31, 2021
In Pilgrimage
When we think of the best foods to eat at night, raw (or pure) honey might not be our idea because of how sweet it is, and eating something sweet before bed does not usually end well. But pure honey is different due to its natural composition, to the point that some doctors are even recommending taking it before bed to get a good night's sleep. The benefits of honey to improve health Honey is an ideal food for many reasons, and that it should be taken at many different times of the day, but perhaps the most interesting is to take it before bed in order to support a night's sleep. healthy. Honey may be one of the sweetest foods, but that doesn't mean it can't be helpful to your body, as it undergoes the repair process overnight. As always, make sure your honey is pure and organic, as most grocery store brands are imported, contain GMOs, and are often heated so many of the beneficial compounds are destroyed in the name of "security". In this case it is best to buy directly from the farmer. How honey helps you sleep well at night Raw honey contains "an ideal ratio of fructose to glucose" to support the liver, an organ that works overtime, literally and figuratively, during the sleeping process. Eating honey ensures that the liver will have an adequate supply of liver glycogen throughout the day, and taking it before bed can serve as the perfect fuel for the liver at night. Combined with adequate, pure water, your body should have more than it needs to perform its restorative and detoxifying functions. Honey promotes truly deep and restful sleep in two main ways. First, it allows an adequate supply of liver glycogen overnight while your body is starved and reserves are low. He points out that the average adult liver only has about 75 to 100 grams worth of storage space for glycogen, which varies between men and women of different body sizes. Per hour the body consumes about 10 grams of glycogen during the day, leaving our reserves very low by the time our head hits the pillow at 11 pm. That leaves less liver glycogen than is needed for eight hours of sleep if you had dinner at 6 p.m. However, if you take a teaspoon or two of honey before bed, the liver is replenished with glycogen so that your brain does not activate a stress response, which often occurs when glycogen is low. Honey also contributes to the release of melatonin in the brain, as it leads to a slight increase in insulin levels and the release of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan leads to serotonin which is made into melatonin in the dark. Lastly, by adding honey to your diet at night, you will be supporting a healthy metabolism as the liver goes to work breaking down toxins that are ultimately stored in fat cells. Other health benefits of honey In addition to the ability to help us get a good night's sleep and restful sleep, honey has a wide range of benefits that have been proven over time. Honey practically never expires as it has been found in Egyptian tombs and remains intact after many hundreds of years. This popular sweetener is also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, great for reducing throat irritation, great for athletes, and much more. Regardless of how you use your honey, don't forget to buy it raw, organic from a local farmer - the benefits of honey have been enjoyed for thousands of years. Try to buy it from a trusted beekeeper who sells it completely pure and organic. If you find that your blood sugars often fluctuate from too high to too low (and vice versa), you’re on the blood sugar rollercoaster. To learn how to eliminate the extremes, you’ll have to do a little sleuthing on your own. Get out your blood glucose meter, and for a week try testing before and after a variety of meals, activities, and destressors to figure out what’s making it go up and down to stop it for good! Gluconite Customer Reviews
maya justin
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