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chandna rani
Apr 02, 2022
In Pilgrimage
Two groups stand out. On the one hand, the aforementioned domestic service workers. Of the seven countries for which updated information is available for the period January-September 2019 and 2020, five offer data on the variation mobile phone number list of work for domestic service. Job loss, the highest of all occupational categories, has ranged from 16.1% in the Dominican Republic to 34.6% in Chile30. On the other hand, there are the young people. Of the nine countries in the region mobile phone number list for which information is available, youth unemployment grew in all of them, with the exception of the Dominican Republic, but showing a wide range of situations that varies from Mexico, with a rate of 8% for the three first quarters of 2020, to Costa Rica, with 42.1% for the same period31. Faced with this situation of high unemployment, especially for new entrants to the labor market,mobile phone number list the alternative of violence emerges. Criminal organizations and, specifically, the so-called organized crime, provide a permanent job offer within mobile phone number list the framework of their activities that is usually attractive to some young people. This offer may gain strength and interest if legal youth employment options are restricted. In this regard, it must be considered that, in terms of the impact of the pandemic, organized crime emerges as a winning sector in this crisis. It is a business actor whose key characteristic is that it must function illegally.

chandna rani

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