For some it is a holy city, for some it is a historic city, for some it's a chaotic city, for some it is a peaceful city, for some it's discovery, for some just an exploration, but this city is my home. Warm, all embracing, beautiful and most of all comfortable.
This city welcomes anybody and everybody with joy. And that's the reason you will find this city as a microcosm. It is an assimilation of every faith, every culture, every language, every art, every music, every region, every religion and everything that you call diversity. Varanasi is a much popular name but I prefer Banaras as it is more profound and meaningful. My perception of the name is बना-रस, the city that is made out of involvement and interest and in turn generates the same in you. You will find more people in this city than any other cities in India. They come here for different purposes, searching for different things, from different places. Everything that is in the city is different, unique and engaging, but it is the same. Same in the existence, much like truth, and different in the perception, much like who looks at it. I don't know what draws millions of people to this city everyday. What are they looking for. What they find. What they understand. That is a secret between the person and Banaras.
When are you coming to Banaras?

This one quite Bizarre one as It was just wonderful finding super opportunity real worthy to write my essay but also enjoy and celebrate the feast with our friends coming from different parts of cities and even abroad from different countries. There were huge number of students on ships telling the real funny story of their amusement and interactions with other people too.