In a recent psychological study, researchers found that the link between ethical leadership and creativity is linked to psychological empowerment.Ethical leaders build community, communicate effectively with followers, and promote an environment of equality, respect, and dignity that encourages innovative thinking. These practices encourage buy email list individuals who are psychologically empowered: intrinsically motivated, competent and self-determined. This level of agency and confidence encourages people to engage in creative pursuits and focus more on problem solving and idea generation. The leader's role is to ensure that all perspectives are welcome and that everyone's contribution is valued.
Not immediately ignored in favor of more established or traditional practices.McIntyre adds, "Creativity can only happen if individuals feel they buy email list can speak and everyone around that table is going to have a voice. And that's okay, it's safe to speak up marketing team leadershipImage credit: Armando Castillejos Develop relational interactionsThe development of relational interactions applies a socially constructed approach to leadership often found in organizations with flatter hierarchical structures. A recent study on relational leadership and creativity describes this form of leadership as adopting "a position of mutual acceptance in which both members of the interaction recognize
The needs of the other, feel responsible buy email list for the growth of the other and expect to grow through interaction.Researchers suggest that relational interactions can be demonstrated with the ethical leadership practices of respectful engagement and caring. Each practice helps individuals develop meaning in the work they do and in the context of their workplace. This meaning allows them to flourish, thus motivating their involvement in creative work.Again, the mediating factor is psychological empowerment. We all want to feel that our life has meaning, that we are good at what we do and that we can get things done. This requires a two-way leadership relationship that is respectful and empowering.