Some leading physicians have revealed that the combination of ginger and garlic with lemon, apple cider vinegar, and honey is a wonderful medicine that can cure major illnesses, and common ailments including arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, excessive cholesterol, gas and indigestion, headaches, heart and circulatory problems, haemorrhoids, acne, toothaches, excess weight, ulcers, and other illnesses and conditions.
Benefits of apple cider vinegar with honey
In an arthritis study, University of Edinburgh Arthritis Research Institute found that a daily dose of organic apple cider vinegar and honey reduced pain by a significant percentage.
Benefits of garlic with apple cider vinegar
On the other hand, a daily dose of garlic and vinegar has been shown to be a powerful and fast weight reducer. The prestigious British Medical Journal Lancer reported that cholesterol levels dropped an average of 237.4 to 223.4 in three hours after the volunteers consumed 60 grams of garlic and four ounces of butter. The study showed that adding garlic to the diet could neutralize the dangers associated with high fat content.
A study of 261 adult patients from the German Association of General Practitioners indicated that cholesterol and triglyceride levels, factors associated with the risk of heart disease, are significantly reduced by the use of garlic in the diet.
Garlic benefits
The MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, Pennsylvania State University and ULSA support the above evidence that certain ingredients in garlic block agents that cause breast, colon, skin and oesophageal cancer. The National Cancer Institute found in a study of 1,600 people that eating a lot of garlic was linked to a lower risk of stomach cancer. Dr. Erik Blocke of the State University of New York at Albany has discovered that garlic releases at least 100 sulfur-producing compounds, all of which are powerful drugs.
Why the Ginger Garlic Mix with Honey Lemon Vinegar is Amazing
There seems to be no doubt that the amazing combination resulting from the mixture of ginger and garlic with honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar can extend life, because it protects against many proven “killers”. Dr. Han Len Tsao has written in a respected Journal of Natural Medicine that “patients given this combination before breakfast showed a remarkable reduction in high blood pressure and cholesterol in less than a week. Italian nutritionist Emilio Stefan adds, says: “Years of scientific research by experts from around the world have shown beyond any doubt that garlic, honey and vinegar are nature’s “magic” foods. The powerful ingredients are available everywhere and only cost a few pennies a day when consumed. Considering all that these natural substances can do for people's health, it is incredible.
National expert in New York, praises the benefits of apple cider vinegar. He recorded notable success stories related to arthritis sufferers. He says: "I have seen arthritis patients begin to relax immediately."
Some even call it (apple cider vinegar) a natural arthritis tonic that relieves them of pain in just a few weeks, and patients with a lot of pain can perform normal activities with better mobility due to this simple tonic. Boxing legend Muhammad Ali took a daily dose of this potion to combat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and many other athletes are known to be taking it for a competitive advantage.
“Honey has been described as the perfect food,” notes a respected researcher, “It contains a wealth of nutrients and minerals, an important part of nine vitamins, six acids and four key enzymes in their most natural state.
Basic recipe, dosage and storage
Here is the recipe to make this ginger garlic mixture with honey, lemon and vinegar. This amazing natural remedy has been around for at least 4,000 years.
1. In a bowl, mix half a cup of lemon juice and half a cup of ginger juice.
2. Now put the resulting juice with twenty-five minced garlic cloves in the blender and mix on high speed.
3. Add a cup of vinegar (use only organic apple cider vinegar), and mix them.
4. Then add a cup of pure honey and mix the whole mixture in the blender again.
5. Now pour this mixture into a glass jar (not plastic) and leave it in the fridge for a minimum of five days.
Dose of the mixture of ginger and garlic with honey, lemon and vinegar
· The normal and general dose for prevention is two tablespoons in a glass of warm water or fruit juice. (Grape or orange juice is best before breakfast).
· A second dose if desired can be taken in the evening with at least one hour after dinner.
· For the treatment of specific common diseases or ailments, use the potion as recommended below.
How to store
The honey not only makes your daily dose has a better taste sweet thing also help in the body's ability to absorb the medicinal properties of powerful ingredients. Garlic provides a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, and what excites researchers the most is growing evidence that, from an enzyme present in large amounts in garlic, it stimulates the immune system. In a recent study involving 2,000 elderly women, researchers found that those who ate garlic once a week were half as likely to develop colon cancer as those who did not.
8 Common Ailments and Recommended Treatments with Blend
These are some common ailments that are suggested to treat with the mixture of ginger and garlic with honey, lemon and vinegar
Acne or pimples: Use a basic potion on the affected area with a piece of cotton every night.
Arthritis: Apart from the morning dose, mix one teaspoon in half a glass of warm water and drink before going to bed.
Asthma: One teaspoon of the basic potion in the morning on an empty stomach.
Cancer: When making the potion, use double the garlic cloves and take two teaspoons of this mixture three times a day.
High blood pressure: Make a special batch, it will contain two cups of water, 18 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of honey. Mix as before and keep on low heat for half an hour. Let it cool down and take three tablespoons three times a day.
To reduce cholesterol: Make a tea by adding a teaspoon of the mixture to a cup of hot water and drink before meals, three times a day.
Heart disease: Use the recipe above for high blood pressure and enjoy a half cup of the mixture three times a day.
Acne or pimples: Use a basic potion on the affected area with a cotton ball every night.
Gas or indigestion: Put two tablespoons of the basic mixture in a cup of water and heat to the temperature that you use for your coffee or tea. Drink slowly at the first sign of danger. Even though it has been mixed with honey and vinegar, the pungent smell of garlic can still be a problem for some people. To cope with this, experts recommend putting parsley leaves in the drink or eating raw parsley after taking a dose.
Hyperglycemia is the medical term describing an abnormally high blood glucose (blood sugar) level. Blood sugar is measured in a sample of blood taken from a vein or from a small finger stick sample of blood. It can be measured in a laboratory either alone or with other blood tests, or it can be measured using a handheld glucometer, a small device that allows frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels without the need for a doctor's office or laboratory.