Our body needs to be nourished with all the vitamins to be healthy, because each one of them fulfils a function in the organism. We have the capacity to produce vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but we must obtain the other vitamins through our diet. What are the 5 essential vitamins for our body to be kept in optimal condition? Keep reading.
5 essential vitamins for the body
With supplements available for everything from eyelashes to toenails, it can be easy to lose sight of the vitamins and minerals your body needs most. If your medicine cabinet is so full of supplements that you can't even remember what they all do, give yourself a break from your million-pill regimen.
These must-have vitamins will help keep your body healthy without losing your mind. Don't forget that vitamin requirements may depend on your personal health concerns and that certain supplements may interact with each other or with medications.
You should always check with your doctor before taking a new supplement. Ultimately, unless directed by a doctor, try to limit yourself to taking no more than five supplements.
It is just as bad to have a vitamin deficiency as an excess of them, because we would cause hypervitaminosis, so it is a good time to know the 5 essential vitamins for the body.
Vitamins A, B12, C, D and E are essential for the body
We are going to explain why through the functions that each one performs and in what types of food you can find them. Many of these 5 essential vitamins for the body come from vegetables, but keep in mind that the way you cook them affects their properties.
So that foods keep their vitamins intact, choose to steam the vegetables and eat the fruits immediately after peeling them and with their skin.
Vitamin a
It helps the proper maintenance of the immune system and is essential for our vision, acts in the formation of bones and teeth, keeps our skin and hair healthy, and protects the tissues of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. In addition, it stimulates the production of hormones and is vital in foetal development.
Foods that contain vitamin A: Generally, it is green vegetables and yellow fruits that contain this vitamin.
As is the case with spinach, broccoli, bell pepper, melon, mango, and peach. Also, carrot, and egg yolk contain vitamin A.
B12 vitamin
It is one of the eight vitamins of group B and is considered as the vitamin that helps to have good health in general by acting on the good condition of nerve cells and red blood cells.
Foods that contain vitamin B12: We find it in fish, whole grains, red meat (try to use organic free-range animal meats), brewer's yeast, wheat germ, algae and eggs.
Vitamin C
It helps absorb calcium and iron that the body needs to build healthy and strong teeth and bones. In addition, it promotes the health of the immune system by fighting infections and preventing damage to cells.
Foods that contain vitamin C: It is especially present in citrus fruits, also in strawberries and strawberries, melon, kiwi, green peppers, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbages Brussels, and potatoes.
Vitamin D
It acts on the essential processes of the body, promotes good heart and bone health by helping to build muscle mass. Thanks to it, the body better absorbs phosphorus and potassium.
Foods that contain vitamin D: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring. Cod liver oil, whole grains, soy yogurt, mushrooms, and eggs.
Do not forget that the main source of vitamin D is sunlight, since this vitamin can be produced by our own body through exposure to sunlight. About ten to fifteen minutes three days a week will help maintain adequate vitamin D levels.
Vitamin E
It plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K correctly. Foods that contain vitamin C: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli or asparagus. Olive oil, egg yolk, mango, dried fruits like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
To complement the information, we invite you to read 5 signs that you are deficient in vitamins.
Losing hair normally doesn’t have much effect on your appearance or warmth, as your head has plenty more to make up for the daily loss. But there may be a more significant reason for your hair loss when you start seeing your scalp or bald spots. When you think of hair loss, you may think of the genetic factors, such as male pattern baldness. Hormones, thyroid problems, and other diseases can all cause hair loss too.