In any case, these questions must be the object of careful investigation and stricter regulations, designed and implemented with the collaboration of a bureaucracy more competent and more autonomous from vested interests than the one that exists today. Argentina Whatsapp Mobile Number List faces the difficult task of adopting policies that reinforce harmony between society and the environment but that, at the same time, recognize the importance of expanding production in the rural sector. A policy that is insensitive to the problem of growth is a luxury that cannot be afforded.
This point leads us to the third objection, which conceives agricultural growth as contradictory to the development of economic diversification processes. Those who adopt this point of view tend to conceive of the Argentine economic structure as a Whatsapp Mobile Number List zero-sum game, in which the gain of one sector supposes loss for others. This vision does not allow attention to be focused on the underlying problems faced by a country with a productive and fiscal structure as weak as Argentina's, which a thriving export agriculture can help alleviate.
To begin with, it does not incorporate into its analytical horizon the fact that, in many branches of activity, agriculture and industry are integrated into value chains (inputs, primary activity and industrialization plus services) that generate one in Whatsapp Mobile Number List six jobs from the private sector. Perhaps more important is to remember that, apart from export agriculture, Argentina does not have other productive activities that allow it to generate a trade surplus sufficient to a) obtain the foreign currency that its financial commitments demand and b) satisfy the growing need for foreign currency.