Li Ka-shing once said that the most important point in buying a house and investing is the location. Analogy to the Internet industry, traffic is equivalent to "location", which is the first element! For any Internet company, traffic is the foundation, and routines and models are the foundation of making money. Bombard customers with various marketing methods in turn, and use the accumulated funds and fans to expand more monetization methods in the process, just to get a little bit of profit from the traffic bonus. 1. What is traffic bonus? In the past, on the sales side,
we had to spend most of the cost to obtain traffic. For example, if the hotel industry wants to get more traffic, it generally needs to find a location with a lot of traffic to open a store. In the Internet industry, what we need to think job title email list about is which platform should we find, and pay less or no money to get traffic. If we can do it, we will get traffic dividends. In essence, the traffic bonus is to acquire users most efficiently at the lowest cost. Corporate strategy itself = traffic dividend + industry gross profit = corporate value itself.
2. Entering the era of traffic bonus period The traffic dividend of the rise of the PC side: Baidu, 360 search, the initial generation of Internet traffic users. Traffic dividends of e-commerce platforms: traffic users brought by the establishment of Taobao,, Jumeiyoupin, Dangdang, and other e-commerce platforms. The advent of the 4G era The rise of app malls: Meituan, Dianping, Didi, and Pinduoduo have been achieved. The rise of the pan-entertainment platform and the new retail war: the fan economy of Douyin traffic net red, the live broadcast economy, and the consumer goods economy have brought Luckin Coffee and Hey Tea.
If a team and a person want to be successful, to become an excellent entrepreneur or an excellent operator, the first thing they must possess is the ability to change: that is, they are not satisfied with the status quo, they must have higher goals and dare to go Question, don't be bound by common sense. If any company wants to seize the traffic dividend, it also requires the company to have the ability to continuously change, not be satisfied with the status quo, and then continue to challenge, not afraid of failure, and have higher requirements for itself. 3. Three Periods to Capture Traffic Dividends The actual operation method of the enterprise:
frequent and brave trial and error of the traffic platform + accurate data-driven evaluation + continuous investment and upgrade of the discovery traffic bonus platform. Therefore, it is very important for companies to seize the three periods before, during and after the traffic dividend. (1) Traffic acquisition period (pre-traffic acquisition period) In the early stage of enterprise operation, frequent trial and error is often used to quickly judge the traffic convergence location and traffic value platform in the form of a group, so as to achieve dislocation competition with competitors. Why disproportionate competition? Because start-ups are relatively weak in terms of financial resources, human resources, and rapid response capabilities, dislocation competition is the competitor's compensation strategy. Data is the eyes of users ,
and evaluating the effect of each group and channel for acquiring traffic is the first value of the data department. Let each channel be displayed in the data background, find the channel with outstanding conversion effect, and the ALLYIN channel will obtain traffic dividends. Combined with the current business of the enterprise, it is necessary to calculate the effect evaluation of various online channels, offline channels, and even channel traffic to everyone. (2) Mid-term of traffic operation (mid-term of traffic acquisition) New fields and new platforms will bring traffic dividends in the initial stage, but they are not lasting. There is no secret in the business itself,
and competitors will quickly fill in. At this time, price wars, traffic interception, and business squeeze will all appear. The current choices of mid-term enterprises are often accompanied by strategic goals to obtain stronger financial support. The first priority of enterprises is to survive, and the maintenance of funds is essential. moon. That is to say, if the capital reserve of the company is less than nine months, the founder will start to run financing and talk about mergers and acquisitions. The previous advantages will no longer be useful at this time,
and the rapid iteration of the enterprise is the decision to accumulate advantages . Judge the platform for the next bonus period, and then frequently try and make mistakes. When an enterprise decides to invest in WeChat + app across the board, the enterprise should calculate the cost of paying users for a registration in each channel, what resources, products, and benefits to use, which can reduce the cost of customer acquisition. This account needs to be calculated in detail and copied quickly.